Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So Christmas is coming up and I loooovvvveeee Christmas time.  Really I love any excuse to go shopping. So I thought, why not give someone who reads my blog and lovely Christmas present.  Details will come shortly but here's the rules:

Must be a follower (yes like all 20 of you :) ) -2 entries
Post the contest on your blog- 1 entry

leave a comment telling me you want a Christmas present and if you posted it on yours
The contest goes through Christmas Eve.  That way you'll know you still have a present coming should you be the winner.

*if you want me to tell you what the present will be let me know that too.  Otherwise it'll be a surprise!*

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sorry it's been forever!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  I had a bad case of bronchitis and it left me feeling drained and exhausted.  At least it wasn't the flu!  Anyways, I'm in need of some help.  Lately, my face has been extra dry and nothing I've done for it has seemed to help.  Soooo.....if anyone out there can recommend something great I would surely appreciate it.  Thanks so much!  I hope everyone has had an awesome weekend!